
Videofied VideoApp4All Google Play Interactive Alarm Monitoring App - AlarmClub Security®

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▼ Videofied VideoApp4All Google Play Interactive Monitoring App ▼

The Videofied VideoApp4All app is now available for Android phones, tablets and other Android devices. This app enables interactivity with the Videofied security systems. VideoApp4All is compatible with panel software version XLP.03.90.xx and newer and requires a monthly monitoring subscription to AlarmClub Security.

Features Include:

  • Remote Arming Disarming
  • Check System Status
  • Capture a Photo from a MotionViewer

How to Download the Videofied VideoApp4All Android App?

-On your Android device, navigate to the Android Marketplace
-Search for "VideoApp4All" and Install the RSI Videofied App

Download Android App on Google Play

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