AlarmClub Inc. |
Other Companies |
No-Term Contracts?
Month-to-Month Subscription Plans |
Long-Term with Liquidated Damages |
New or Existing Systems?
Sell or Takeover Most Control Panels |
Exclusive to Their Own Brand Name |
Proprietary Technology?
Unlocked Non-Proprietary Equipment |
Locked Out Proprietary Equipment |
Live Operator Service?
Optional 24-Hour PRO Central Station |
Required 24-Hour PRO Central Station |
Do-It-Yourself Options?
More Flexible DIY Brands and Services |
Less DIY Brands to Choose and Pick |
Free Move Program?
Nationwide Coverage is Supported |
Some Limitations on Coverage Areas |
Technical Support?
Inexpensive Remote Technicians |
Costly Onsite Hourly Service Rates |